In What Month Was Jesus Born?

by Ingrid Wijngaarde
posted: 26-01-2014
It has always been food for the curious. We human believers simply want to know, especially when we read the gospel narrative of Luke were as it seems minute information is given about year, month about the pregnancies of John the Baptist and his nephew Jesus and seemingly coinciding happenings. What can be known

As can be expected of me - I am one of the extremely curious ones - I thought I knew but when I stepped from my I know platform I found out it was a little bit more complicated. But now I think I understand. If you think otherwise, just send me an email. Just see THIS pdf.
Erken nu met geheel uw hart en ziel, dat niet een van alle goede beloften die de HERE, uw God, u gegeven heeft, onvervuld gebleven is. - Jozua 23:14

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